
   2022-12-23 14:55:49 网络350













































































白云山景点导游词 范文 1: 白 云山景区属千山山脉,主峰 唐帽山海拔876.3米,山势巍峨峻峭, 奇峰怪石彼邻,为千山山脉最高峰。景区内以白云宫—— 白云洞——白云寺为主轴线,分为 仙人洞、 白云洞、 城顶山、 唐帽山、花红峪五大景区,有 云山胜境、行龙通天、峡谷探幽、莲峰挹秀、仙人打坐等300多个景点相映争辉。 春、 夏、 秋、 冬四季景色各异、美不胜收。日出、晚霞、 祥云、佛光独具特色、魅力永恒。景区内无峰不奇,无路不险,无石不怪,无仙不玄,更为 白云山风景区增添了悠远而神秘的传奇色彩。

小孤山景区面积为8.609平方公里。有 卧龙山、 青云山、 石佛山和 仙人洞等。 仙人洞在小孤仙人洞 山镇东南一里多,洞址东南是 青云山,西北是 翠云山,洞口偏西南,对面是 小孤山,洞前是 海城河。依山旁水,妙境佳地。此洞是旧石器时期古人类遗址,距今已有40万年之久。 海城河右岸边有三个角山,洞位中间 三角山端坡角,洞穴完好无损。洞宽阔5.8米,洞深19米,洞室面积90平方米。洞后与落水洞相连,洞顶有两个窟窿,最高4.8米,洞内有堆积物高达6米,高于河床4米。洞口上方有光绪年间刻 汉白玉石额一块,上书“玊洞”二字。“玊”音su 诉。《 说文解字注》释为:朽玉,有疵点的玉石《 集韵》释为:琢玉的人,或姓。据此可见这旧石器时期古人类遗址是与玉有关。 卧龙山、 石佛山及窟窿山沟等,山峰 奇特,险峻峭拔,风光旖旎,让人留连往返,让人感受大自然的无限情趣。在窟窿山沟里,怪石嶙峋,层层叠叠,交错有致,蔚为奇观。山谷两侧有东 石林、西石林、罗圈砬子、阎王鼻子、东石门、窟窿山洞等。唐代 海城地区正处战略要冲地带, 唐太宗征东的 故事传说 在这地区流传很多。窟窿山洞传说,是唐太宗征东时 薛仁贵一箭射穿,留下了窟窿而名之。因为这一景区奇石怪石群聚因名之为“石圣聚会”。

白云洞景区面积有8.256平方公里。其景观有 云山胜境:当步入松垞子沟时,眼前群峰起伏,山峦重叠,甚为大观。 白云洞更是景致迷人,而那 迎客松、刺天石、济公帽、 北天门、山神松、虎踞龙盘、 卧虎石、七十二蹬、白云洞、云梯、 仙人座、 一线天、四方顶、回音石等景观,让人留连忘往返。峡谷 探幽,进入大正沟后,那白云寺、千手、千眼 观音殿、 石棚、月牙谷、雌雄洞、天桥、通仙道、卧象石、观景台、 探海松、鱼背、佛龛等景观,随着步移景异,渐渐地被这些景观所吸引,让人流连,让人回味无穷。

城顶山景区面积14.271平方公里。其景观有莲峰挹秀:步入石洞沟,进入眼帘的是蟒 龙潭、太师椅、 龙头峰、孤仙洞、双鱼石、 猴石、 莲花洞、石宫卷柏、小黄山、蟒龙洞、天堑、 飞来峰、 蚌埠石、 姊妹峰、悬空人面石、海豹峰、 天台以及明代石刻等。穿过莲花洞来到莲花沟,越沟转上即是犹如 莲花瓣岩石构成的 莲花峰,峰不高,但其景观秀丽多姿,让人迷恋。城山撷景:过房子沟,对过则是二道险峻峭壁,直上直下,甚是陡峭,让人如临险峰一般,慎之又慎。站在峭壁上,俯视下面弯弯小溪流水,清澈碧绿,潺潺作声,一股山野情趣,犹然而生。步入鳄鱼峰、 龙门洞、 小华山、绝壁峡谷、刺天峰、腾云峰、 城顶山、高丽城遗址等。登上 城顶山四方俯瞰,南西北三方村野田园,高楼房舍,历历在目,风光景色,一览无余。东面山峦巍巍,云烟缥缈,又是一番景色。 骆峰耸云:步入大石头沟,有六兄峰、石上 松林、二郎泉、龙眼石、 骆驼峰、过刀山等。晴天,驼峰高耸,白云缭绕阴天,驼峰紫雾,遮遮掩掩雨天,驼峰闪电,风掣雷鸣雪天,漫山飞花,皑皑雪峰,犹如天女散花,情意悠悠。

唐帽山景区,面积8.652平方公里。其景观有唐帽传奇: 唐帽山满山是神茶树、山 杜鹃和天女木兰花,每年春暖花开季节,漫山野花,灿烂绚丽,微风拂面,缕缕花香扑鼻而来,沁人心脾,让人心旷神怡。 唐帽山,是岫北第一山关。巍峨壮丽,是古战埸上一道战略要冲地带。这里关于唐王传说传承久远,内容丰富多彩。毎一处景观都有关于唐王东征的故事和薛仁贵、 尉迟恭等,美丽动听地传说故事,令人心潮澎湃,浮想联翩。古寺轶闻:唐帽 山西坡山腰处有一古庙——红门寺,现仅存遗址及五甬石碑,石碑已年代久远碑文已无法辨认。民间盛传大破红门寺的传说。

花红峪景区面积10.58平方公里,其景观有硕果飘香:花红峪一带山区,山岗上成片成林的果园,主要是苹果和梨类果树。每当春暖花开季节,果园处处飘香, 梨花白似雪,山花红胜火,漫山遍野多姿多彩。秋天苹果红了,梨也金黄色了,山山岭岭,洋溢着丰收的喜悦。春观山赏梨花秋游山品秋果。金蚕戏叶,蟒沟孙家沟一带的山坡,生长着柞木林,满山坡柞林,年年上山放蚕。漫山满树金蚕爬在柞树叶上戏食着柞叶,进入大自然的这种生物圈,同样会令人兴趣盎然。

白云山千百年来是佛、道修身养性、成仙正果的 灵山天堂,是人佛共存、人仙同乐的心灵净土,是祈福未来、灵验真实的神圣之地,铸成了悠久神奇的宗教文明。每逢佛道吉日,时有天象显祥,信众求拜,灵验屡现 。香客常年络绎不绝,烟云缭绕飘荡,使秀丽险峻的 白云山更加神奇不凡。

如今白云山 自然景观优美、宗教 文化 深邃、 生态环境良好,正以绮丽雄伟的风姿和神秘悠久的文化赋予它的千古神韵,吸引着国内外宾客纷至沓来,竞相朝圣观光。

白云山风景区----- 坐落在普兰店市 元台镇境内,是 长白山余脉。 白云山有 泰山之雄伟, 黄山之秀丽, 华山之险奇,其苍松、奇石、古寺、白云堪称人间奇景。














Dear visitors:

Everybody is good! Welcome to visit guangzhou baiyun mountain. Baiyun mountain is located in baiyun district, guangzhou is the famous scenery resort, since ancient times in the history of the "baiyun night at" yangcheng eight sights, such as "cloud" chrysanthemum lake in baiyun mountain.

Came to the foot of baiyun mountain, you first see the fragrant garden yuntai garden, there are many plants. The most magical is the middle of the garden there is a huge bell, the flower clock is made up of 12 different time open flowers, each to a moment, there will be a flower open, tell you what time is it.

Baiyun mountainside, along the boulevard, eyes see is scattered around the lakes and mountains and dense forests can benevolence temple Huang Po cave reservoir, etc. about Huang Po cave reservoir, there is a beautiful legend. Yuan dynasty female home textile ecliptic husband's mother home poor in childhood, then to study in hainan textile technology. Twinkling of an eye, as the decades passed, the ecliptic husband's mother by the young girl into a white-haired old woman, particularly homesick, on the road to home. The road through the guangzhou baiyun mountain, to see people living in poverty, is left to you to teach the textile technology. Later, to commemorate the ecliptic husband's mother, people called the ecliptic husband's mother lived Huang Po hole.

Upward along the winding mountain, we came to the scenic baiyun mountain. Here is the famous scenic spots have sound spring valley, mount star ridge, nine longquan, etc. Spring valley in the middle of the mountain, is the largest in a natural birdcage. It is located in baiyun mountain scenic area in the south and drop of water on rock valley between nine longquan, covers an area of about fifty thousand square meters, large cage by natural scenic spot, songbirds hanging corridor area, rare and precious birds area three parts. The birds here much more special, not only quantity and variety. They chirp is ringing, the indirect songs reverberated in the valley, let a person listen to the relaxed and happy, even with fatigue and worry is gone. The entrance door side still can be seen in the valley of sound in the spring of extremely rich appeal "bird performance", a bike, a bird bird flag-raising, treasure bird and so on, particularly interesting. The star mountain is the highest peak of baiyun mountain, elevation 382 meters, height overlooking, could see the whole view of the guangzhou city.

Baiyun mountain for south guangdong famous mountains, since ancient times "yangcheng first show," said. It gathered more than 30 peaks, mountain is quite wide, with a total area of 20.98 square kilometers. Whenever she continuous rain, fog in black mountain green, half is plain, so the name of baiyun mountain.

Finished visiting the beautiful scenery of baiyun mountain, our trip over. Your valuable advice is most welcome to our work, with high quality and good service in the future, we will take the more travel assistance for you. Thank you very much!


My dear friends, welcome to the south of the motherland to visit guangzhou tourism. Today we visit the place is guangzhou baiyun mountain. We know that guangzhou is a famous city of revolution, it is also a famous landscape city people also often use "yunshan bead water" to praise guangzhou, bead is the pearl river water, yunshan is refers to the baiyun mountain.

Mountain is located in the north of guangzhou, has "as" the first show of guangzhou with a total area of 280000 square meters, is 4 a grade scenic spot. Does anyone know why call baiyun mountain? That's because every time after a storm comes a calm, the clouds fills the air in the mountains between the mountain scenery is very beautiful, so take this name.

Guangzhou city of more than 2200 years history, baiyun mountain before founding famous in the world. Of the heart of the whole scenic spot has seven, respectively is: fly eling, lake, spring valley, three ridge and the ridge, pearl tower, and in accordance with the ridge.

We entered the first is the heart of the luhu, everybody look at me in front of the building is famous in guangzhou art museum, is designed by the famous architect Huang Boye ambassador. There by the largest artificial lake in guangzhou, guangdong province's largest classic building, building a large swan, have built 1984 - Bai Yunxian view, there are golf country club.

Friends now we came to this place yuntai garden, so unique is a combination of Chinese and western landscape architecture in the area, with elegant classic around 10, in which the father water type spindle scenic area, the lights of the fountain is called waterfall "flow". People with good, now we are in this scenic area called "yi garden" is very symbolic, is a symbol of world peace and friendship, to see the ball stone, engraved with what, doves and olive branches, leaves pattern, which means that our friendship forever.

Baiyun mountain is a famous cableway, it is the first in China to design, manufacture, installation of the "single cycle double jaw rope clips cableway, the length of 1800 m new ropeway, officially opened in 2004 to 9 ~ 27, can run 1400 m per hour.

Out of the cable car is the heart of spring valley, with the more famous, is China's largest and Asia's second-largest "natural" cage in grazing, red-crowned crane, swan, peacock, auritum, etc.

Then we have to go to the star ridge, fly eling and guangzhou sculpture museum, it is the government built to commemorate the founding of 2210 there are four main functional areas, "the history of guangzhou area, the history of sculpture, the grand view garden and forest scenic spot" in which these works reflect the earliest port of guangzhou as China's maritime trade with southeast Asia, the Middle East countries trade frequently, and magnificent history of longevity.

Today, my friends, to take you on a tour of baiyun mountain's explanation to this end, the following can give you half an hour's rest time to pose for photos, but don't go away, we finally set at the door, pay attention to safety, what can I do for the first call me first, I wish you all have a good time. thank you


Welcome to here! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

Baiyun mountain is located in the center of guangzhou, guangzhou is the most beautiful mountain, where beautiful scenery, beautiful scenery, have the laudatory title of "yangcheng first show". A good place for people to leisure, fitness.

In order to greet the Spring Festival, at the gate of the baiyun mountain stands a mighty dragon. It dominates the baiyun mountain gate. In the baiyun mountain, far see a call Long Baohe YunBao lanterns standing on the side of the road, some of them in the drums, some in gong. Very cute! A long white body, another red red body. Mountain road, there are all kinds of trees, false Japanese persimmon, camphor treeAnd the pine tree. On either side of the most is a not well-known tree, they have a straight body, the body bare, like a wire pole, really impress me.

After a while, we came to the beautiful PuGu PuGu, there is a lake in the lake bottom, the sand and can see the lake, the fish in the water. There are a lot of beautiful lotus in the lake, there are purple, white, pink, all kinds of. There is a long stream, we follow the river upstream, came to the square, the area where there is a large lawn, lawn lanterns dragon born nine children, are I haven't seen a monster. I have a call on the above, at least the guy I am particularly interested in, in the light of the below is such an introduction: gluttony, sheep, and his eyes under his arm and tiger tooth claw. There is a big head and a big mouth. See what eat what, very greedy, because eat too much, was finally support dead. Look at the introduction, you are killing me. Left here, and we rushed to our destination, the top of the mountain park, but soon got to the top of the mountain park, on the top of the hill park has a dominant big lanterns, dominant examination refers to the ancient times won the first draft. Look at the lanterns, dad said: "I also hope that in the future of the dominant learning, further." Finished watching lanterns, we came to the observatory, looking down from the observatory, saw a piece of cloud, and the name of baiyun mountain is derived from some. The evening, many lanterns are lit up, lamplight shine everywhere, dominated the leading also move, more vivid, more beautiful.

The top of the hill park there is a way the star ridge. The star ridge, formerly known as brigitte yunfeng, located in baiyun mountain and Long Hugang, su clan academy is the baiyun mountain peak, elevation 382 meters, is the first of baiyun mountain more than 30 peaks. Step into the star at the top of the hill, the heavens and the earth become very remote. The panorama of the city of guangzhou on the soles of the feet flat, is expected to tianhe east new town, xiushui, the pearl river in the south west jams wuyang ancient capital, baiyun airport north view silver ups and downs. Gloomy sky, looked up and look around the baiyun mountain peak, top cover with green, lush than wood, heaven and earth becomes particularly remote, yangcheng picture take in everything in a glance, may have a sense of things around in the hand. The star ridge wishing tree have ten million pieces of red cloth, cloth with the promise of hope. Blessing and blessing bell, the bell of the clock to prayer. And defiled locks, heart-to-heart's name engraved on the lock is lover's name. The judges on the side of the lock has a slab, slab that read "Beijing".

Baiyun mountain scenery is really beautiful! Everyone needs to take care of the environment, can not destroy it!




All visitors:

Hello, everyone! Welcome to Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain.

Baiyun Mountain is located in Baiyun District of Guangzhou City, since ancient times, is a famous scenic spot, Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou Enlai have been here, and in the mountain summer office. Baiyun Mountain can be said to be one of the best places in Guangzhou city. Halfway up the mountain we can take the cable car to Baiyun Mountain.

Came to the hillside, we first see is Yuntai garden, there are many exotic flowers and rare herbs. In Yuntai garden, there is a huge clock, which is composed of 12 kinds of different time open flowers, every moment, there will be a flower open, tell you it is a few minutes. Is not particularly magical ah?

Now, we can climb to the top of the mountain with a sightseeing bus. Along the way, we saw a lot of valleys and trees, there are a lot of birds singing to us, there are a lot of flowers. Finally, we came to mount davis.

Davis is the highest peak of the Baiyun Mountain, standing here, we can see the panoramic view of the Guangzhou City and Pearl River and above the cruise. Here, you can see the tallest building in Guangzhou Citic Tower, it has 88 floorsand the Pearl River Bridge, also see very clear.

Standing on the mountain, the most comfortable is the fresh air. Guangzhou four seasons temperature is very high, but standing on Baiyun Mountain, breezy, but feel very comfortable.

I explained it to everyone. Please introduce the Baiyun Mountain to your friends, so that they can also come here to travel!


Dear visitors:

Everybody is good! Welcome to visit guangzhou baiyun mountain. Baiyun mountain is located in baiyun district, guangzhou is the famous scenery resort, since ancient times in the history of the "baiyun night at" yangcheng eight sights, such as "cloud" chrysanthemum lake in baiyun mountain.

Came to the foot of baiyun mountain, you first see the fragrant garden yuntai garden, there are many plants. The most magical is the middle of the garden there is a huge bell, the flower clock is made up of 12 different time open flowers, each to a moment, there will be a flower open, tell you what time is it.

Baiyun mountainside, along the boulevard, eyes see is scattered around the lakes and mountains and dense forests can benevolence temple Huang Po cave reservoir, etc. about Huang Po cave reservoir, there is a beautiful legend. Yuan dynasty female home textile ecliptic husband's mother home poor in childhood, then to study in hainan textile technology. Twinkling of an eye, as the decades passed, the ecliptic husband's mother by the young girl into a white-haired old woman, particularly homesick, on the road to home. The road through the guangzhou baiyun mountain, to see people living in poverty, is left to you to teach the textile technology. Later, to commemorate the ecliptic husband's mother, people called the ecliptic husband's mother lived Huang Po hole.

Upward along the winding mountain, we came to the scenic baiyun mountain. Here is the famous scenic spots have sound spring valley, mount star ridge, nine longquan, etc. Spring valley in the middle of the mountain, is the largest in a natural birdcage. It is located in baiyun mountain scenic area in the south and drop of water on rock valley between nine longquan, covers an area of about fifty thousand square meters, large cage by natural scenic spot, songbirds hanging corridor area, rare and precious birds area three parts. The birds here much more special, not only quantity and variety. They chirp is ringing, the indirect songs reverberated in the valley, let a person listen to the relaxed and happy, even with fatigue and worry is gone. The entrance door side still can be seen in the valley of sound in the spring of extremely rich appeal "bird performance", a bike, a bird bird flag-raising, treasure bird and so on, particularly interesting. The star mountain is the highest peak of baiyun mountain, elevation 382 meters, height overlooking, could see the whole view of the guangzhou city.

Baiyun mountain for south guangdong famous mountains, since ancient times "yangcheng first show," said. It gathered more than 30 peaks, mountain is quite wide, with a total area of 20.98 square kilometers. Whenever she continuous rain, fog in black mountain green, half is plain, so the name of baiyun mountain.

Finished visiting the beautiful scenery of baiyun mountain, our trip over. Your valuable advice is most welcome to our work, with high quality and good service in the future, we will take the more travel assistance for you. Thank you very much!


Welcome to here! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

Baiyun mountain is located in the center of guangzhou, guangzhou is the most beautiful mountain, where beautiful scenery, beautiful scenery, have the laudatory title of "yangcheng first show". A good place for people to leisure, fitness.

In order to greet the Spring Festival, at the gate of the baiyun mountain stands a mighty dragon. It dominates the baiyun mountain gate. In the baiyun mountain, far see a call Long Baohe YunBao lanterns standing on the side of the road, some of them in the drums, some in gong. Very cute! A long white body, another red red body. Mountain road, there are all kinds of trees, false Japanese persimmon, camphor treeAnd the pine tree. On either side of the most is a not well-known tree, they have a straight body, the body bare, like a wire pole, really impress me.

After a while, we came to the beautiful PuGu PuGu, there is a lake in the lake bottom, the sand and can see the lake, the fish in the water. There are a lot of beautiful lotus in the lake, there are purple, white, pink, all kinds of. There is a long stream, we follow the river upstream, came to the square, the area where there is a large lawn, lawn lanterns dragon born nine children, are I haven't seen a monster. I have a call on the above, at least the guy I am particularly interested in, in the light of the below is such an introduction: gluttony, sheep, and his eyes under his arm and tiger tooth claw. There is a big head and a big mouth. See what eat what, very greedy, because eat too much, was finally support dead. Look at the introduction, you are killing me. Left here, and we rushed to our destination, the top of the mountain park, but soon got to the top of the mountain park, on the top of the hill park has a dominant big lanterns, dominant examination refers to the ancient times won the first draft. Look at the lanterns, dad said: "I also hope that in the future of the dominant learning, further." Finished watching lanterns, we came to the observatory, looking down from the observatory, saw a piece of cloud, and the name of baiyun mountain is derived from some. The evening, many lanterns are lit up, lamplight shine everywhere, dominated the leading also move, more vivid, more beautiful.

The top of the hill park there is a way the star ridge. The star ridge, formerly known as brigitte yunfeng, located in baiyun mountain and Long Hugang, su clan academy is the baiyun mountain peak, elevation 382 meters, is the first of baiyun mountain more than 30 peaks. Step into the star at the top of the hill, the heavens and the earth become very remote. The panorama of the city of guangzhou on the soles of the feet flat, is expected to tianhe east new town, xiushui, the pearl river in the south west jams wuyang ancient capital, baiyun airport north view silver ups and downs. Gloomy sky, looked up and look around the baiyun mountain peak, top cover with green, lush than wood, heaven and earth becomes particularly remote, yangcheng picture take in everything in a glance, may have a sense of things around in the hand. The star ridge wishing tree have ten million pieces of red cloth, cloth with the promise of hope. Blessing and blessing bell, the bell of the clock to prayer. And defiled locks, heart-to-heart's name engraved on the lock is lover's name. The judges on the side of the lock has a slab, slab that read "Beijing".










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