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核心提示:The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. Ph.D., (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was a Nobel Laureate, Baptist minister, a


The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. Ph.D., (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was a Nobel Laureate, Baptist minister, and African American civil rights activist. He is one of the most significant leaders in U.S. history and in the modern history of non-violence, and is considered a hero, peacemaker and martyr by many people around the world. A decade and a half after his 1968 assassination, Martin Luther King Day, a U.S. holiday, was established in his honor.

Background and family

King was born in Atlanta, Georgia to the Rev. Martin Luther King, Sr. and Alberta Williams King. (Birth records list King's first name as Michael, apparently due to some confusion on the part of the family doctor regarding the true name of his father, who was known as Mike throughout his childhood.) He graduated from Morehouse College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology in 1948. His application to Yale Divinity School was rejected, and he graduated from Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania [1] with a Bachelor of Divinity in 1951. He received his Ph.D. in Systematic theology from Boston University in 1955. Later, however, scholars at the King Papers project found that King plagiarized portions of his doctoral dissertation and academic papers, although Boston University did not revoke King's degree. For further information see authorship issues.

King married Coretta Scott on June 18, 1953. The wedding ceremony took place in Scott's parents' house in Marion, Alabama, and was performed by King's father.

King and Scott had four children:

Yolanda Denise (November 17, 1955, Montgomery, Alabama)

Martin Luther III (October 23, 1957, Montgomery, Alabama)

Dexter Scott (January 30, 1961, Atlanta, Georgia)

Bernice Albertine (March 28, 1963, Atlanta, Georgia)

The four children all have one thing in common: They have followed their father's footsteps as civil rights activists, although pet issues and opinions differ among the King children.

Civil rights activism

In 1954, King became the pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. He was a leader of the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott which began when Rosa Parks refused to comply with Jim Crow law and surrender her seat to a white man. The boycott lasted for 381 days. The situation became so tense that King's house was bombed. King was arrested during this campaign, which ended with a United States Supreme Court decision outlawing racial segregation on intrastate buses.

Following the campaign, King was instrumental in the founding of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in 1957, a group created to harness the moral authority and organizing power of black churches to conduct nonviolent protests in the service of civil rights reform. King continued to dominate the organization until his death. The organization's nonviolent principles were criticized by the younger, more radical blacks and challenged by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) then headed by James Foreman.

The SCLC derived its membership principally from black communities associated with Baptist churches. King was an adherent of the philosophies of nonviolent civil disobedience used successfully in India by Mahatma Gandhi, and he applied this philosophy to the protests organized by the SCLC. King correctly identified that organized, nonviolent protest against the racist system of southern segregation known as Jim Crow would lead to extensive media coverage of the struggle for black equality and voting rights. Indeed, journalistic accounts and televised footage of the daily deprivation and indignities suffered by southern blacks, and of segregationist violence and harassment of civil rights workers and marchers, produced a wave of sympathetic public opinion that made the Civil Rights Movement the single most important issue in American politics in the early 1960s.

King organized and led marches for blacks' right to vote, desegregation, fair hiring, and other basic civil rights. Most of these rights were successfully enacted into United States law with the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

King and the SCLC applied the principles of nonviolent protest with great success by strategically choosing the method of protest and the places in which protests were carried out in often dramatic stand-offs with segregationist authorities. Sometimes these confrontations turned violent. King and the SCLC were instrumental in the unsuccessful protest movement in Albany, in 1961–1962, where divisions within the black community and the canny, low-key response by local government defeated effortsin the Birmingham protests in the summer of 1963and in the protest in St. Augustine, Florida, in 1964. King and the SCLC joined forces with SNCC in Selma, Alabama, in December 1964, where SNCC had been working on voter registration for a number of months.

The March on Washington

King and SCLC, in partial collaboration with SNCC, then attempted to organise a march from Selma to the state capital of Montgomery, for March 25, 1965. The first attempt to march on March 7, was aborted due to mob and police violence against the demonstrators. This day since has become known as Bloody Sunday. Bloody Sunday was a major turning point in the effort to gain public support for the Civil Rights Movement, the clearest demonstration up to that time of the dramatic potential of King's nonviolence strategy. King, however, was not present. After meeting with President Lyndon B. Johnson, he had attempted to delay the march until March 8, but the march was carried out against his wishes and without his presence by local civil rights workers. The footage of the police brutality against the protestors was broadcast extensively across the nation and aroused a national sense of public outrage.

The second attempt at the march on March 9 was ended when King stopped the procession at the Edmund Pettus Bridge on the outskirts of Selma, an action which he seemed to have negotiated with city leaders beforehand. This unexpected action aroused the surprise and anger of many within the local movement. The march finally went ahead fully on March 25, with the agreement and support of President Johnson, and it was during this march that Willie Ricks coined the phrase "Black Power" (widely credited to Stokely Carmichael).

King, representing SCLC, was among the leaders of the so-called "Big Six" civil rights organizations who were instrumental in the organization of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963. The other leaders and organizations comprising the Big Six were: Roy Wilkins, NAACPWhitney Young, Jr., Urban LeagueA. Philip Randolph, Brotherhood of Sleeping Car PortersJohn Lewis, SNCCand James Farmer of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). For King, this role was another which courted controversy, as he was one of the key figures who acceded to the wishes of President John F. Kennedy in changing the focus of the march. Kennedy initially opposed the march outright, because he was concerned it would negatively impact the drive for passage of civil rights legislation, but the organizers were firm that the march would proceed.

The march originally was conceived as an event to dramatize the desperate condition of blacks in the South and a very public opportunity to place organizers' concerns and grievances squarely before the seat of power in the nation's capital. Organizers intended to excoriate and then challenge the federal government for its failure to safeguard the civil rights and physical safety of civil rights workers and blacks, generally, in the South. However, the group acquiesced to presidential pressure and influence, and the event ultimately took on a far less strident tone.

As a result, some civil rights activists who felt it presented an inaccurate, sanitized pageant of racial harmonyMalcolm X called it the "Farce on Washington," and members of the Nation of Islam who attended the march faced a temporary suspension.[2]

The march did, however, make specific demands: an end to racial segregation in public schoolmeaningful civil rights legislation, including a law prohibiting racial discrimination in employmentprotection of civil rights workers from police brutalitya $2 minimum wage for all workersand self-government for the District of Columbia, then governed by congressional committee.

Despite tensions, the march was a resounding success. More than a quarter of a million people of diverse ethnicities attended the event, sprawling from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial onto the National Mall and around the reflecting pool. At the time, it was the largest gathering of protestors in Washington's history. King's I Have a Dream speech electrified the crowd. It is regarded, along with President Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, as one of the finest speeches in the history of American oratory.

Throughout his career of service, King wrote and spoke frequently, drawing on his long experience as a preacher. His "Letter from Birmingham Jail", written in 1963, is a passionate statement of his crusade for justice. On October 14, 1964, King became the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, which was awarded to him for leading non-violent resistance to end racial prejudice in the United States.

Further challenges

Starting in 1965, King began to express doubts about the United States' role in the Vietnam War. On April 4, 1967— exactly one year before his death— King spoke out strongly against the US's role in the war, insisting that the US was in Vietnam "to occupy it as an American colony" and calling the US government "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today." But he also argued that the country needed larger and broader moral changes:

A true revolution of values will soon look uneasily on the glaring contrast of poverty and wealth. With righteous indignation, it will look across the seas and see individual capitalists of the West investing huge sums of money in Asia, Africa and South America, only to take the profits out with no concern for the social betterment of the countries, and say: "This is not just." [3]

King was long hated by many white southern segregationists, but this speech turned the more mainstream media against him. TIME called the speech "demagogic slander that sounded like a script for Radio Hanoi (a propaganda radio station run by the North Vietnamese Army during the Vietnam War)", and the Washington Post declared that King had "diminished his usefulness to his cause, his country, his people."

The speech was a reflection of King's evolving political advocacy in his later years. He began to speak of the need for fundamental changes in the political and economic life of the nation. Toward the end of his life, King more frequently expressed his opposition to the war and his desire to see a redistribution of resources to correct racial and economic injustice. Though his public language was guarded, so as to avoid being linked to communism by his political enemies, in private he sometimes spoke of his support for democratic socialism [4]):

You can't talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars. You can't talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums. You're really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry.... Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong... with capitalism.... There must be a better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a democratic socialism. (Frogmore, S.C. November 14, 1966. Speech in front of his staff.)

In 1968, King and the SCLC organized the "Poor People's Campaign" to address issues of economic justice. The campaign culminated in a march on Washington, D.C. demanding economic aid to the poorest communities of the United States.

On April 3, 1968, King prophetically told a euphoric crowd:

It really doesn't matter what happens now.... some began to... talk about the threats that were out -- what would happen to me from some of our sick white brothers.... Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place, but I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over, and I've seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land. And so I'm happy tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.


King was assassinated the next evening, April 4, 1968, at 6:01pm, on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, while preparing to lead a local march in support of the heavily black Memphis sanitation workers' union which was on strike at the time. Friends inside the motel room heard the shot fired and ran to the balcony to find King shot in the jaw. He was pronounced dead several hours later. The assassination led to a nationwide wave of riots in more than 60 cities. Four days later, President Lyndon Johnson declared a national day of mourning for the lost civil rights leader. A crowd of 300,000 attended his funeral that same day.

Two months after King's death, escaped convict James Earl Ray had been captured at London's Heathrow Airport while trying to leave Great Britain on a false Canadian passport in the name of Ramon George Sneyd. Ray was quickly extradited to Tennessee and charged with King's murder, confessing to the assassination on March 10, 1969, (though he recanted this confession three days later) and was sentenced to 99 years in prison. Ray, a presumed white supremacist and segregationist, had allegedy killed King because of the latter's extensive civil rights work. On the advice of his attorney Percy Foreman, Ray had taken a guilty plea to avoid a trial conviction and thus the definite possibility of receiving the death penalty although it was highly unlikely that he would have been executed even if he had been sentenced to death, as the US Supreme Court's 1972 decision in the case of Furman v. Georgia invalidated all state death penalty laws then in force.

Ray had fired Foreman as his attorney (from then on derisively calling him "Percy Fourflusher") claiming that a man he met in Montreal, Canada with the alias "Raoul" was involved, as was his brother Johnny, but not himself, further asserting that although he didn't "personally shoot Dr. King," he may have been "partially responsible without knowing it," hinting at a conspiracy. He spent the remainder of his life attempting (unsuccessfully) to withdraw his guilty plea and secure the trial he never had.

Twista的《Jail Time》 歌词

《The Rock》 是电影 《勇闯夺命岛》 的英文原名

《Rock House Jail》 是 《勇闯夺命岛》 的原声配乐

“亡灵序曲”本身就是以讹传讹出来的! 曲目的原名叫做《The Dawn》

《The Dawn》(英文翻译为“破晓、黎明”)是芬兰重金属乐队Dreamtale

根据《Rock House Jail》4分20秒开始的那段音乐自己改编的!

不论是《Rock House Jail》 还是 《The Dawn》 都跟魔兽世界没有关系!

“亡灵序曲”的由来不过是魔兽的发烧友用《The Dawn》这首曲子,当做背景音乐制作了一部游戏视频!当然了,我本身也是魔兽玩家,包括WAR3和WOW ! 视频相当棒!

不管是电影的原声配乐《Rock House Jail》还是改编后的《The Dawn》本身都是没有歌词的,网上所谓的“亡灵序曲”全部是网友自行填词的!



歌曲名:Jail Time


专辑:legit ballin'

this is Joliet Correctional Facility

you have a collect call from inmate

yeah this is Tucker

to accept this call please press 3 now

thank you


hey sis let me speak to momma

who me on find besides all the drama

the system took me in but then they took me under

I suffer being another number

I wonder if I could conquer dis criminal structure built to puncture

the hearts of men

when them guards come in the bars and the pen

I know I'm in hell and its hard to win

I stay up late lying in the dark for me

thinking bout the night the police came marching in

its like they wouldn't stop barging in

asking momma what mob I'm in

try strictly left us some scars within

fighting back the lyrics of a favorite baptist him

its over now cant hold a child

mold a child scold a child or own a child a soldier now

baby hold your tears

become a teacher mold ya peers

let em know its cold in here

this ain't the way to spend them older years

I'm over the fears of the world

no longer momma's pearl in here

its all clear them older cats school me to the game

I'm all ears no mo rats or any cold beers

the ghetto famous disappear

they run up in my home

and took you from my world

now ya gone and I'm feeling all the pain that your going through

sometimes I lay back in my cell crying

hells blind but I hope I make it through this jail time

trying to stay focus but I heard they mad me panic before

I guess thats what I got my family for behind bars

I'm running outta time

momma there yet

where my little brother let me holla at him

whats up cat

I got you covered

stay in the books them streets is a motha

undercovers posing as hustlers exposing the brothers controlling the

struggle by any means

brutality got the police running like the enemy

our community need more hugs instead of the slugs the guns the drugs

got crime on killing the love the spirits above

drop a warning sigh its only 1999

but all I think about is 85 them good times

momma give us her last dime

icey cups you drop yours I give you mine

true love define us to divine

calling it on another's pride but I hate to see you cry

the rain come shine

my family feel my pain inside

by the way my baby momma getting married

brought tears to my eyes I just hope my son happy

ran to the phone got a hundred guys like me

and all we have is precious minutes to reach our people our free

brother listen be strong for momma

let her know I never meant to cause her no drama

the pain make my vain cries thunder

will I recover my name and still discover how the game become us

look how they done us

watered down our pride and drunkers riders g's and hustlers

we gotta guide our younger theres better days among us

never let the rage you under upstage the promise till tomorrow

and the C's just follow wont feel the sorrow

for the misery we wallowing time swallowing

them better days in this gaze got my mind boggling

oh momma and hey lady I miss you

and them ways you raised me them hard head things that drove you crazy

realize ya son took a lot of heart from ya

its phone check time I'm gone momma I love you

Li Qingzhao (March 13, 1084 - May 12, 1155), the Song Dynasty (Northern Song Dynasty), poet, easy to lay, Ji'nan Zhangqiu (now Shandong Ji'nan) people. She was born Kamine Yuantoyo in February seven, the fifth day (March 13, 1084 AD), Emperor Shaoxing died in April twenty-five month (May 12, 1155 ad). She was born in a family of scholar. The early life of abundance. His father, Li Gefei has very rich, she was in a good family environment and lay literature foundation. After getting married, and her husband Zhao Mingcheng together to the collection of painting and calligraphy, engaged in academic research Co. Like-minded, life. Jinbing into according to the Central Plains, on the south, Zhao Mingcheng died, Li Qingzhao situation alone. Life has be threatened by growing crises of the Northern Song Dynasty, the surface prosperity and unrest at the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty, southern south. Li Qingzhao is Chinese ancient rare talented, she is good at book, painting, a stone, and especially fine words. Her words be unequaled in one's generation, spread through the ages, known as the "Ci a large". Her words in early and late. Pre writing the leisurely life, love life, multiple description of natural scenery, beautiful melody. Such as "plum, red lotus incense jade bamboo mat residual autumn" etc.. Late lament life, nostalgic recollections of the past, feeling sad. Such as "slow", searching. Her personality as she works as a reverence. She is a hen and women, men of fortitudeboth with ordinary cynical, and patriotism. She not only has excellent talent, profound knowledge, but also has high ideals, heroic aspirations. She has made many achievements in the field of literature. In the same generation, her poetry, prose and poetry theory can mark a banner, thatcher. And her life force most frequently, affecting the highest achievement is the biggest creation. Her words reached perfection in one's studies. in the realm of art, become an independent school in CI, and formed its own unique artistic style -- "the body easily". She does not pursue the masonry Zaoshi, but abstract expressive "the common language of the law", draw the performance on the surrounding sensitive feelings, depicts delicate, subtle psychological activity, the expression of feelings experience diverse, creating vivid, vivid art image. In her words, true love and perfect form get along swimmingly with each other, All blend into one harmonious whole. She will "language intended to do and not do, meaning and not as" graceful style reached its peak of development, so as to win the graceful "Ci" Clanlord, become graceful send one representative. At the same time, the inspiration for her word, even across his bold style, and make her become an independent school in the Song Dynasty, Xin Qiji, Lu You and so on have great influence on later poets. She won the outstanding achievement of highly praised later. I think her words "not only looking women, straight to overwhelm a man", she is called "a female poet in Song Dynasty is the greatest, China literature history one of the greatest poetess", with "reputation first eternal talented woman".

Li Qingzhao is "easy to lay.", "an easy word" and other works, but not long. Existing poems for future generations, there are "Shu Yu word" 1 volumes, "Shu Yu set" volume 5. The representative of "slow", "plum", "Ling", "Bush Yin", "Wuling spring", "summer quatrains" etc..


Li Qingzhao was born in a literary art scholar bureaucrat family. Father Li Gefei is the Ji'nan Li people, the origin, a student of Su Shi, officer to criminal prison, Reinabe Toro. Collection of very rich, good teachers, in poetry and prose. Existing in Qufu Konglin Si Dong Zhai hall wall of the north south first party Shijie engraved, top write: "criminal prison, under the Li Gefei calendar, lunar January Chongning the first year (1102) twenty-eight day rate, too, so, some brown, far, Mai, Pailin Zhong Gong under." The mother is champion Wang Gongchen's granddaughter, very literary accomplishment.

Li Qingzhao's life experience can Song Shi migrated to the south for the sector, divided into two periods before and after.

Early stage

Due to family reasons, especially the influence of father Li Gefei, Li Qingzhao young age poetry good words.

Li Qingzhao grew up, and in place of her natural environment is also inseparable. Li Qingzhao young, most of the time in the picturesque town, Licheng through the gathering of talents. about when she was five or six years old, because his father Li Gefei made ", she also with his parents moved to Tokyo Bianliang (today's Henan Province, Kaifeng city). She grew up in Tokyo. At that time, the Northern Song Dynasty ruling class enjoyment wind, Tokyo on the surface is still very prosperous. Li Qingzhao, as a literati class great lady, because the feudal ethics and rites imprisonment, not like the men out of the house. Contact the society as a whole. But she was born in the city, unlike the landlord home woman that occlusion. She not only can boat, playing in the depths of lotus flowers, but also with the family to the streets of Tokyo, ornamental marvelous lantern and bustling street, all of this, to cultivate her temper. Enriched her spiritual life. Li Qingzhao is fond of nature and the description of natural ability, that she had been the hometown Shandong cultivation. But love in her description of "free", shows the urban social and literary atmosphere of her infection.

At the age of eighteen, Li Qingzhao married Zhao Mingcheng. After marriage, she and her husband agree in opinion, love each other dearly, "a couple of good friends to victory". Li Qingzhao and Zhao Mingcheng after marriage together students study too。Exhausted, brought her a bitter blow and agony. Later Jin forces south of the Southern Song Dynasty, corrupt and incompetent, self destruct the Great Wall.

The same year, Zhao Mingcheng was appointed as the prefect of the city health, in a run down rebellion, Zhao Mingcheng City, Li Qingzhao makes the downhearted, and fled to Jiangxi in second years on the way to Wujiang, when he wrote the famous "summer quatrains", Zan Yu Feng Ming, Zhao Mingcheng ashamed, feeling depressed, died in office the governor of Huzhou on the way. Li Qingzhao in the lonely, Zhang Ruzhou (as Zhang Ruzhou) for Li Qingzhao money, stepped in, to truly Li Qingzhao. Li Qingzhao was alone, then top of secular wind to marry Zhang Ruzhou. After marriage, two people found himself cheated, Zhang Ruzhou discovered that Li Qingzhao was not expected in their money, and Li Qingzhao also found Zhang Ruzhou's false display of affection, even to add it later. Later, Li Qingzhao found Zhang Ruzhou's office from bribery, then sued Zhang Ruzhou, at the time of the social environment, the wife on the husband, the husband even prove guilty, the wife should by the same jail. Li Qingzhao went to jail, because the family bought the jailer, nine days in jail and was released, this period of less than 100 days marriage ended.

Li Qingzhao (March 13, 1084 - May 12, 1155), the Song Dynasty (Northern Song Dynasty), poet, easy to lay, Ji'nan Zhangqiu (now Shandong Ji'nan) people. She was born Kamine Yuantoyo in February seven, the fifth day (March 13, 1084 AD), Emperor Shaoxing died in April twenty-five month (May 12, 1155 ad). She was born in a family of scholar. The early life of abundance. His father, Li Gefei has very rich, she was in a good family environment and lay literature foundation. After getting married, and her husband Zhao Mingcheng together to the collection of painting and calligraphy, engaged in academic research Co. Like-minded, life. Jinbing into according to the Central Plains, on the south, Zhao Mingcheng died, Li Qingzhao situation alone. Life has be threatened by growing crises of the Northern Song Dynasty, the surface prosperity and unrest at the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty, southern south. Li Qingzhao is Chinese ancient rare talented, she is good at book, painting, a stone, and especially fine words. Her words be unequaled in one's generation, spread through the ages, known as the "Ci a large". Her words in early and late. Pre writing the leisurely life, love life, multiple description of natural scenery, beautiful melody. Such as "plum, red lotus incense jade bamboo mat residual autumn" etc.. Late lament life, nostalgic recollections of the past, feeling sad. Such as "slow", searching. Her personality as she works as a reverence. She is a hen and women, men of fortitudeboth with ordinary cynical, and patriotism. She not only has excellent talent, profound knowledge, but also has high ideals, heroic aspirations. She has made many achievements in the field of literature. In the same generation, her poetry, prose and poetry theory can mark a banner, thatcher. And her life force most frequently, affecting the highest achievement is the biggest creation. Her words reached perfection in one's studies. in the realm of art, become an independent school in CI, and formed its own unique artistic style -- "the body easily". She does not pursue the masonry Zaoshi, but abstract expressive "the common language of the law", draw the performance on the surrounding sensitive feelings, depicts delicate, subtle psychological activity, the expression of feelings experience diverse, creating vivid, vivid art image. In her words, true love and perfect form get along swimmingly with each other, All blend into one harmonious whole. She will "language intended to do and not do, meaning and not as" graceful style reached its peak of development, so as to win the graceful "Ci" Clanlord, become graceful send one representative. At the same time, the inspiration for her word, even across his bold style, and make her become an independent school in the Song Dynasty, Xin Qiji, Lu You and so on have great influence on later poets. She won the outstanding achievement of highly praised later. I think her words "not only looking women, straight to overwhelm a man", she is called "a female poet in Song Dynasty is the greatest, China literature history one of the greatest poetess", with "reputation first eternal talented woman".

Li Qingzhao is "easy to lay.", "an easy word" and other works, but not long. Existing poems for future generations, there are "Shu Yu word" 1 volumes, "Shu Yu set" volume 5. The representative of "slow", "plum", "Ling", "Bush Yin", "Wuling spring", "summer quatrains" etc..


Li Qingzhao was born in a literary art scholar bureaucrat family. Father Li Gefei is the Ji'nan Li people, the origin, a student of Su Shi, officer to criminal prison, Reinabe Toro. Collection of very rich, good teachers, in poetry and prose. Existing in Qufu Konglin Si Dong Zhai hall wall of the north south first party Shijie engraved, top write: "criminal prison, under the Li Gefei calendar, lunar January Chongning the first year (1102) twenty-eight day rate, too, so, some brown, far, Mai, Pailin Zhong Gong under." The mother is champion Wang Gongchen's granddaughter, very literary accomplishment.

Li Qingzhao's life experience can Song Shi migrated to the south for the sector, divided into two periods before and after.

Early stage

Due to family reasons, especially the influence of father Li Gefei, Li Qingzhao young age poetry good words.

Li Qingzhao grew up, and she is also the natural environment。Li Qingzhao young, most of the time in the picturesque town, Licheng through the gathering of talents. about when she was five or six years old, because his father Li Gefei made ", she also with his parents moved to Tokyo Bianliang (today's Henan Province, Kaifeng city). She grew up in Tokyo. At that time, the Northern Song Dynasty ruling class enjoyment wind, Tokyo on the surface is still very prosperous. Li Qingzhao, as a literati class great lady, because the feudal ethics and rites imprisonment, not like the men out of the house. Contact the society as a whole. But she was born in the city, unlike the landlord home woman that occlusion. She not only can boat, playing in the depths of lotus flowers, but also with the family to the streets of Tokyo, ornamental marvelous lantern and bustling street, all of this, to cultivate her temper. Enriched her spiritual life. Li Qingzhao is fond of nature and the description of natural ability, that she had been the hometown Shandong cultivation. But love in her description of "free", shows the urban social and literary atmosphere of her infection.

At the age of eighteen, Li Qingzhao married Zhao Mingcheng. After marriage, she and her husband agree in opinion, love each other dearly, "a couple of good friends to victory". Li Qingzhao and so Zhao Mingcheng after marriage together students study of painting and calligraphy, living a happy Wonderfull Life. Zhao father was the famous politician, officer right prime minister. After marriage, she gathered the whole body and mind in literature and art study and inscription. She and Zhao Mingcheng helped each other, for the word creation, technique mature. One year the Double Ninth Festival, Li Qingzhao made the famous song, "Bush Yin", to the husband: "if Bo Wunong:, Rui brain Pin Gold beast. Also Chongyang Festival, jade cabinet, early cold at midnight. Dongli wine after dusk, subtle fragrance surplus sleeve. No, the curtain roll westerly, thinner than yellow." Autumn 's loneliness and GUI people melancholy stand vividly revealed on the paper. According to "remember" Heaven's ring, Zhao Mingcheng received after, took my breath away, and unwilling to leeward, they closed the door, and, for three days and nights, write fifty words que. He put this poem to Li Qingzhao also mixed into it, please friends Lu Defu criticism. Lu Defu played again and again, said: "only three excellent." Zhao asked which three sentences, the answer: "no, the curtain roll westerly, thinner than yellow."

However good times don't last long, the clique struggle intensified, a pair of mandarin ducks are separated, Zhao Li across the river, suffered lovesickness.

Later stage

In 1127, the northern Jurchen (Jin) broke the Bianjing, Huizong, that father and son were captured, the emperor fled south. Li Qingzhao couple with refugees living on the south of the Yangtze river. Wanderers ground, for many years to collect inscriptions calligraphy and painting lost, bring her a bitter blow and great pain. Later Jin forces south of the Southern Song Dynasty, corrupt and incompetent, self destruct the Great Wall.

The same year, Zhao Mingcheng was appointed as the prefect of the city health, in a run down rebellion, Zhao Mingcheng City, Li Qingzhao makes the downhearted, and fled to Jiangxi in second years on the way to Wujiang, when he wrote the famous "summer quatrains", Zan Yu Feng Ming, Zhao Mingcheng ashamed, feeling depressed, died in office the governor of Huzhou on the way. Li Qingzhao in the lonely, Zhang Ruzhou (as Zhang Ruzhou) for Li Qingzhao money, stepped in, to truly Li Qingzhao. Li Qingzhao was alone, then top of secular wind to marry Zhang Ruzhou. After marriage, two people found himself cheated, Zhang Ruzhou discovered that Li Qingzhao was not expected in their money, and Li Qingzhao also found Zhang Ruzhou's false display of affection, even to add it later. Later, Li Qingzhao found Zhang Ruzhou's office from bribery, then sued Zhang Ruzhou, at the time of the social environment, the wife on the husband, the husband even prove guilty, the wife should by the same jail. Li Qingzhao went to jail, because the family bought the jailer, nine days in jail and was released, this period of less than 100 days marriage ended.

Witnessed the country Li Qingzhao "although suffering poverty and unyielding, rack one's brains" in her "searching, desolate" later, "was recorded in stone", the compilation, to complete the unfinished work husband. Jinbing raging arouse patriotic emotion strong she, she actively advocates the recovery of the Central Plains of Southern Song Dynasty, but corruption and incompetence and Pianan corner, make Li Qingzhao hopes to become a mirage. Li Qingzhao in the Nandu early, also wrote a vigorous bold "summer quatrains": "birth, death is also a male ghost. Still thinking Xiang Yu, had refused to jiangdong." Borrow humiliate the country and forfeit its sovereignty them die rather than submit irony Huizong and his son, saying with great eloquence, the expression of the Song Dynasty resentment.

For many years, be forced to leave one's hometown, her heart has been broken heart, and because of her remarriage problems by the literati class sewage and rendering, has been more serious mutilation. She is helpless, the call without the door, poor sorrow, went wandering lonely, finally died in jiangnan.

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