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  • 品牌名称:ALAFORM
  • 公司名称:ALAFORM(爱乐福)公司
  • 官方主页Http://
  • 所在地区:山东青岛市
ALAFORM company is specialized in the design, manufacture, installation of various materials, sliding doors, sliding sunroof systems intelligent, active noise walls, high compartment, bathroom glass partition, decorated space systems and mobile power supply systems, material handling systems, specialized companies . ALAFORM sliding doors, folding, active noise walls, high-compartment system is mainly for the car showroom, hotel, office, shops and other areas to provide total solutions, ALAFORM shelf brackets, wall decoration systems of rack space, the main track for the walk-in cloakroom, storage room, bathroom, kitchen, living room, study, separate DIY home decoration, with and incorporated to provide total solutions. Products with reference to European and American classic and modern design, superb technology and manufacturing processes for the residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural and other areas to provide better suspension system and the sliding display system as a whole solution space, we have an experienced, professional technical services and installation and construction team.
ALAFORM with many famous international architectural hardware manufacturers to establish a long-term strategic partnership, supporting the use of the world's top hardware to produce high quality frameless glass folding doors, framed glass folding doors, aluminum folding doors, folding doors solid wood , glass moving wall, bathroom glass wall partitions and movable noise series of windows, doors and partition products, good quality of our products and the overall solution much domestic and international designers, contractors and project owners respected in the high-grade 5A class office building, luxury star hotels, clubs, bars, shops, auto 4S shops, car showrooms, sports stadiums, museums, homes, villas, apartments, hospitals, banks, military units, institutions, convention centers, factories, airports and national key large-scale projects widely used on the project.
Our philosophy is: professional, quality, value and growth! Our long-term commitment to high-end projects for all kinds of good products and installation support services, through technical innovation and brand, the company gradually developed into a fine architectural hardware integrators, hanging sliding door system as a whole provider , for the majority of domestic and foreign customers with more quality products and efficient service.

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