
   2022-09-12 11:44:15 网络590
核心提示:Good Life - OneRepublicWoke up in London yesterdayFound myself in the citynear PicadillyDon't really knowhow I got hereI


Good Life - OneRepublic

Woke up in London yesterday

Found myself in the city

near Picadilly

Don't really know

how I got here

I got some pictures on my phone

New names and numbers

that I don't know

Addressed to places

like Abbey Road

Take turns tonight,

night turns to whatever we want

We're young enough to say

Ohhh this is gotta be a good life

this is gotta be a good life

This could really be a good life

good life

Say ohhh got this feeling

that you can't fight

Like this city is on fire tonight

this could really be a good life

Good good life

To my friends in New York

I say hello

My friends in LA they don't know

Where I've been

for the past few years or so

Paris, to China to Colorado

Sometimes there's airplanes

I can't jump out

Sometimes there's bullshit

that don't work now

We out of stories

but please tell me

What's there to complain about?

When you're happy like a fool

Let it take you over

When everything is out

You gotta take it in

Ohhh this is gotta be a good life

this is gotta be a good life

This could really

be a good life good life

Say ohhh got this feeling

that you can't fight

Like this city is on fire tonight

This could really be a good life

Good good life

Good good life

Hoplessly I feel

like there might be

something that I missed

Hopelessly I feel like

the window closes so so quick

Hopelessly I'm taking

a mental picture of you now

Cause hopelessly to the hopeless

we have something

to feel good about

Ohhh this is gotta be a good life

this is gotta be a good life

This could really

be a good life good life

Say ohhh got this feeling

that you can't fight

Like this city is on fire tonight

This could really be a good life

Good good life

good life good life

this is

To my friends in New York

I say hello

My friends in LA they don't know

Where I've been for the past

few years or so

Paris, to China to Colorado

Sometimes there's airplanes

I can't jump out

Sometimes there's bullshit

that don't work now

We out of stories

but please tell me

What's there to complain about?






这个要分那个地方产生的涡流!~ 你肉眼能看到涡流了这说明空气的黏性已经不能支持其继续沿着机体表变继续前进~已经开始大量的分离了!那么你设想下 空气开始和机体分离那么一定会影响飞机的升力和性能!飞机的原理是靠空气“托“着它才可以飞在天上的吧!空气分离就等于少了空气包裹它了! 不过也要看是哪个位置产生的涡流 通常容易出现涡流的地方是翼尖和水平尾翼以及垂直尾翼 这几个地方出现大量涡流一定是不好的 因为影响了飞机的升力!不然的话为什么很多飞机都做了尾翼和机翼的切尖处理 客机干脆装上了一个大大的翼刀 就是为了减少或延缓涡流!但最容易出现涡流的其实还是边条翼(就是飞机机翼前面的两侧) 因为边条翼的设计就是让涡流产生的 好为后面的主机翼提供更大的升力!所以飞机瞬间产生涡流好还是不好 要看是哪个地方产生的涡流了!


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