
   2022-10-17 22:29:55 网络750
核心提示:哦 顺便一提,几天前帮我指导的ABC天丅英语中心的老师才和我提过 如果要学好英语是轻松的..一定需要个适宜的学习空间与实习口语对象 外教水平很重要 欧美人士比东南亚好很多 口语标准才行,坚持经常口语交流,1v1针对性教学才会有更.好


哦 顺便一提,几天前帮我指导的ABC天丅英语中心的老师才和我提过 如果要学好英语是轻松的..一定需要个适宜的学习空间与实习口语对象 外教水平很重要 欧美人士比东南亚好很多 口语标准才行,坚持经常口语交流,1v1针对性教学才会有更.好.的学习成果 上完课同样要复习听取录音文档 来进一步深化知识~如果真的没有练习对象的状况下,只能去旺旺或BBC取得课余学习材料研习 多用耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想,不知不觉的口语就加强起来 学习成效应该可以达成目标的..It is Teachers Day on September 10th every year. Teachers are the greatest people in the world, I tnk, because they teach us how to write and read. The most important is that they teach us how to be a real man. They are also kind to everybody and they dont want anyone to fall bend others. They always get on very well with their students, and they are our best friends. When students are in trouble, they can help them in time. I will be a teacher when I grow up.

急求 英语诗歌朗诵视频











1。-->2。 Well, that was wonderful, But you know who else likes to sing I'll give you a hint, she's a little girl in the woods, and we've all known her since childhood. She loves to sing while going to her grandmother's house, little did she know that her voice attracted terrible danger. Little Red Riding Hood everybody!2-->3, Great show, great show, now that everybody's comfortable and relaxed, let's speed things up with some Salsa (latin dancing)3-->4. Dance is an art of passion, but it's not the only thing we are passionate about. History, burned into our minds and etched into our school, can send our blood boiling by just a shadow of its dark past. In aiming towards a better future, let's not forget what brought us to what we are today, please enjoy the play, 4-->5 plays are great forms of artistic expression, but the gymnasts are not to be beat, they've devised a performed and they are determined to show the actors up.5-->6, wow, wasn't that marvelous, but the actors and actresses refuse to be beat, so they've come up with another play that will have you glued to your seats, ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy 猴子捞月6-->7 These dramas have been around since most of you in the audience were kids, though heartwarming, they are not as riveting as what we bring to you next: street dancing, Elementary school style7-->8, That was a great show, but you've been sitting here a while, I'm sure that your feet are getting numb, so get up, get down and join in for our next event, apple bobbing8-->9, I hope you enjoyed your time here, I know that I certainly did, so let's end this day by giving the stage and the last performance to those without whom none of this would be possible, the staff. And they will be presenting something they have been teaching us this whole time, pride, pride for being Chinese.

(1)祖国呵, 我亲爱的祖国 舒婷 我是你河边上破旧的老水车, 数百年来纺着疲惫的歌;636f70793231313335323631343130323136353331333262383563 我是你额上熏黑的矿灯, 照在你历史的隧洞里蜗行摸索; 我是干瘪的稻穗;是失修的路基; 是淤滩上的驳船 把纤绳深深 勒进你的肩膊; ——祖国呵! 我是贫困, 我是悲哀。 我是你祖祖辈辈 痛苦的希望呵, 是“飞天”袖间 千百年来未落到地面的花朵; ——祖国呵! 我是你簇新的理想, 刚从神话的蛛网里挣脱; 我是你雪被下古莲的胚芽; 我是你挂着眼泪的笑涡; 我是新刷出的雪白的起跑线; 是绯红的黎明 正在喷薄; ——祖国呵! 我是你十亿分之一, 是你九百六十万平方的总和; 你以伤痕累累的 *** 喂养了 迷惘的我,深思的我,沸腾的我; 那就从我的血肉之躯上 去取得 你的富饶,你的荣光,你的自由; ——祖国呵, 我亲爱的祖国! 1979.4. (2) 祖国啊,我为你自豪 当巍峨的华表, 让挺拔的身躯披上曙光, 当雄伟的天安门, 让风云迎来东升的太阳. 历史的耳畔, 传来了礼炮的隆隆回响, 那排山倒海般的回响, 是中国沧桑巨变的回响. 一位巨人俯瞰着世界, 洪亮的声音, 全世界都听到了, 中华人民共和国成立了! 当第一面五星红旗冉冉升起, 那胜利的旗帜, 在朗朗的空中迎风飘扬, 人民扬起了头颅, 全世界都看到了, 中国人民从此站起来了! 这历史凝聚了宏伟, 尽情地涂染十月的阳光, 这气势慷慨激昂, 筑起了一座丰碑屹立在世界的东方. 辉煌的纪元, 用苍劲的大手, 抒写了新中国灿烂的篇章, 人民自豪地指点江山. 苦难的母亲, 擦去满眼的泪花, 露出内心的喜悦由衷地欢畅, 祖国豪迈地走向了繁荣富强. 讴歌我们的历史, 有盘古开天辟地的神话, 迸发出生命的光芒. 讴歌我们的历史, 有四大发明的荣耀, 播撒在这片荒芜的土地上. 讴歌我们的历史,有老子孔子的圣明, 几千年文明的圣火把我们照亮.

以上就是关于小学英语teachers day朗诵话视频全部的内容,如果了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!

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