
   2022-06-11 17:19:08 网络740
核心提示:既然来到离石,当然要爬一爬凤山了。 从凤山上下来,新华街喝一碗羊汤,电视台门口吃上一个的碗秃,顺便浏览一下东川河的美景。 上午驱车去安国寺,看看于成龙读书的地方,地方虽然破点但是很有意境。 下山后直接从枣林沟里穿进去,走结绳鄢到临县林
















总之,到吕梁来游山玩水主要是放松心情,如果你要探秘访古就可能会大失所望了。吕梁地处黄土高原,历史上虽然出过武则天、华国锋、于成龙、孙嘉淦等人物,但是人文景观乏善可陈,唯值得一提的就是这里的原生态和纯朴民风。如果你有充足的时间,那么放下心来细细品味吧 。

用英语介绍一下吕梁石楼 或者天下黄河第一湾 谢谢了!

吕梁市位于山西的中部西侧,吕梁山脉南北向贯穿该市。全市范围内,有许多好玩好看、值得一游的 旅游 景点。下面,我就挑选其中几处,为大家介绍一下。






汾酒文化景区位于著名的汾酒之乡——汾阳。该景区为一处工农业 旅游 区,游客可以在这里参观汾酒博物馆,探秘汾酒酿造车间,游览汾酒工业园林……在感受山西酒文化的同时品尝一下汾酒佳酿。


碛口古镇是吕梁市一处 历史 文化名镇,素有“九曲黄河第一镇”的美称。在这里,人们可以参观古老的街道和民居,眺望滚滚流逝的黄河水,悠远而绵长的古韵令人回味无穷。


北武当山同样是吕梁必游的景点之一,除了可以爬山,欣赏奇峻秀丽的自然景观之外,这座道教名山还有着非常深厚的 历史 文化底蕴。游览至此,游客们还可参观宗教建筑群,观赏泥塑、壁画等艺术佳品。


贾家庄的贾街非常适合文艺青年和吃货们前往游玩。在这条街上,各种手工作坊和 美食 小吃店林立,令人目不暇接。


庞泉沟自然保护区内植被茂盛,流水潺潺,是珍惜禽类黑鹳、褐马鸡等的最佳栖息地,同时也是深受游人们喜爱的休闲 旅游 好去处。在河边的草地上扎个帐篷,享受夏日里的凉爽舒适吧!



典型的吕梁地貌,很有特色,镇内的西湾村是首批中国 历史 文化名村,还有李家山村被称黄土高原上的大宅院,一层一层的土窑洞错落有致,吸引很多摄影和绘画者前来采风写生。去了碛口,一定要住一下特色窑洞宾馆。


这座山的形状与八卦特别相似,因此得名,宋代著名书画家米芾曾题字为“第一山”。满山的古柏,常年青翠。山中还有很多庙宇,有着悠久的 历史 。 天宁寺 ,便创建于唐贞观元年,前院中的千佛阁,始建于宋代。



此外,南阳沟、 北武当山 、 庞泉沟 ,也是近些年比较热门的景点。还有 刘胡兰纪念馆 、 汉画像石博物馆 也很有意思。


Nine of the Yellow River Bay in the first source to Jabba, Yan Ka pull mountain (altitude of 4500 meters) of the Yellow River, flows through Sichuan Province, formed in Ruoergai County Tangke Sauk Tibetan temple near the famous attractions. The Yellow River this transverse diameter is 300 meters, diameter of 400 meters across river. The Yellow River in this process, as the boundary river of Sichuan and Gansu, West to Gansu, east of Sichuan. Yellow River since Gansu side, the river from the Yellow River first bay top import and type such as the "s" type, the water of the Yellow River is like a fairy ribbon since the sky floated slowly, on the edge of the Sichuan Light stroked turned to float back to Qinghai, therefore said nine of the yellow River Bay in the first. [1]

The hilly plateau is a small island, floating in the river. Many of the first nine Bay Islands, tamarisk forest, dancing scene, golden pheasant, hare, reclusive, waterfowl Elique, fishing boat crossing is the paradise of Caragana, yellow duck, hare, Red Crowned Crane, black necked cranes, is Chinese and foreign scientists known as "solemn mirage in the universe". Sauk Tibetan temple in front of a hill, ascend to the top of a hill overlooking, but see the meandering river reaching into the sky, the Yellow River meandering North turning dies, grass even water

Groaning, boundless, two rivers elegant chic, like a pair of lovers, hand in hand toward the northwest horizon, a mind open. The sunset here is "Laxia and solitary greedy soar, the charm of sky". Clusters of tents, wisps of smoke, pastoral sound, horse riding, picturesque, beautiful. Temple Baita, accompanied by the Yellow River, the more distant natural broad. In the first by the hillside on the prairie is famous Sauk temple, here is the best place to watch the sunrise and sunset. From afar, the vast expanse of wilderness and deep blue sky naturally into a harmonious whole. The idea of harmony between man and nature, that expression to understand, the first living in the Highlands, let a person as the acme of perfection!

Here is the national wetland protection zone, is the country's three famous hometown of Hequ horse horse. As the saying goes: not to the Yellow River heart unwilling, who come here for sightseeing tourists at home and abroad, to enjoy the nine of the Yellow River first bay scenery faster. Take the Yellow River first bay best at the time of sunset and kicking on the side of the road a plateau, Western oriented, type s of the Yellow River in the sunset suffused with red phosphorescence, and the sun fall into the horizon after sunset glow all over the sky is the best time to shoot. Also on the edge of the Yellow River and a temple "Tangke Sauk Tibetan temple" and a Tibetan village, shooting the Tibetan folk customs, the Bank of the river has also erected into a piece of prayer flags, beautiful nine of the Yellow River Bay in the first to add a bit mysterious atmosphere.

Sichuan province is the largest grassland, with an area of nearly 30 thousand square kilometers, consisting of meadow and marsh. Grassland is flat and vast, sparsely populated. The Red Army of 25000 Li Long March through here on several occasions, left many inspiring and touching story of the revolutionary sites, the grassland reputation at home and abroad. Summer is the season of golden prairie, where highdays visibility is very high. Between heaven and earth, green grass, flowers blooming like a piece of brocade, faint fragrance, yiwangwuya. Meadow star falls on the chessboard to dotted with numerous small lakes, blue lake, river vines such as the large and small lakes connected, clear river bottom, few fish. Grassland tour is rich in content, can enjoy the scenery of the grassland, hear eclogue melodious, fishing fish of the Yellow River for a picnic, ride horses gallop on the grasslands, considerable Sika Deer ranch, nine of the Yellow River Bay in the first range rover, gloomily and canopy Hotel

Nine of the Yellow River sunset

Nine of the Yellow River sunset

Go to the forest, can pick wild mushrooms, can also visit the temples to worship.

The first nine of the Yellow River Bay, 78 kilometers away from the county of hongyuan. And the prairie hinterland, meandering river segment countless River Delta, island, Mizushima Elique, fishing boat crossing, is Chinese and foreign scientists known as "the universe in a solemn phantoms". Here is the grassland in Sichuan Province, the largest, you can sit in the mother river attentively listen to her on the history of tell, enjoy "Laxia and Swan soar, relaxed and total long Tianyi color", in the dusk of the evening feeling life river Pentium ZhuangGe.

At night, riverbank tent little soft light, the moonlight bonfire, people sing and dance, sing to listen to the mother river.

Nine of the Yellow River first bay has its unique beauty, the most beautiful scenery is in the evening, sunset, when the sun a little red Dachaoshan side down when, the whole valley shrouded in a piece of gold. Yellow River shore Bicao green, flowers everywhere, lying in the grass, lying in the flowers, to return to nature feeling, let your body and mind to obtain the unprecedented extrication.

Be known as "the universe in a solemn phantoms" nine of the Yellow River Bay in the first, clear river water gently, blue sky and white clouds, green grass, flowers, tent smoke, cattle, sheep and horses, circling eagle, picturesque, Qixiangwanqian. The first nine of the Yellow River Bay attractions, watch the grasslands of the Yellow River. Like a silver ribbon. Sunlight wave scaly Jimuyuantiao its spectacular scenery make people Dunsheng worship, stand here you will to man and nature have new feeling.

See the Yellow River Bay in the first, the night is the first Bay in the first bay camping or in Sauk Tibetan temple accommodation, about 10 yuan / bed, so that the next day early in the morning to see the sunrise.









九曲黄河第一湾,距红原县城78公里。地处草原腹心地带,曲折河水分割出无数河洲、小岛,水岛翔集、渔舟横渡,被中外科学家誉为“宇宙中庄严幻影”。 这里是四川省最大的草原,你可以静坐在母亲河边用心倾听她对历史的诉说,领略“落霞与孤鸿齐飞,秋水共长天一色”,在暮色苍茫里感悟人生长河奔腾的壮歌。






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