
   2023-01-19 10:46:16 网络920
核心提示:Lover's valley, is good whereabouts that a leisure enjoys the cool air, becomes intimate with the nature, feel the natur


Lover's valley, is good whereabouts that a leisure enjoys the cool air, becomes intimate with the nature, feel the nature and shape the thoughts and feelings.The landscape of its canyon,such as poem,,such as painting,, its love spreads to spin a yarn to move people deeply.Arrive at lover's valley, you would certainly marvel her the prettiness of that strange 丽 .

Lover the canyon entrance of the valley, river under swim, the river surface equanimity,such as mirror,, clear in the cross-straits clinging weeping willow, the jade-green green mountain reflection on water water it is thus clear that.Such as in the river surface 荡 a leaf bateau, you will feel more" the person swims in the painting" naturally.The recreational country villa of an each difference of style of depends on the mountain and then sets up, alongside water but sign, form a pleasant contrast with the green hills and blue waters of the great universe.

Follow the river headings up but goes, the river water is become by the calmness gradually cheery, the 欢欢 quickly and quickly and all the way is flow, stir the happy drama of 嘻 with rock in water, arise a wave flower.The canyon is also more and more deep, more and more narrow, heading up to look up at, natural and a glimmer of.Cross-straits mountain precipice more and more 陡 , more and more high, connect with the sky white cloud.Let you grasp the very wonderful artistic conception of" the mountain puts on the cloudlet" of person QIN2 GUAN of the Sung Dynasty phrase well.The tree rattan 萝 is still exuberant, the pure 鸣 , fragrance of flower of birds' twitter is loving, LIN2 YIN4 is fresh and cool, making the person free of mind and happy of heart.Enjoy well for the sake of the easy to visitor, feeling everywhere landscape, on the cliff, the artificial opens to dig a" cliff road" to wind around the dish to go between each crag, together and almost perpendicular," a steps" that has more than 200 stone classes goes directly to" paradise".Place oneself it up, get down to overlook, like standing upon edge of abyss, make surprised afraid of public, but also have a kind of pleasant sensation surging heart that be irritated doublyAt the same time, stand eminence, scan widely to hope far, the whole canyon accepts the eye bottom to the utmost:The secluded valley of 峡 is deep, show the water green mountain, it make person 恍 go into the fairyland, the mind however spacious.

The whole canyon, the beautiful scenery changes much but magic, in addition to the landscape of the canyon of the strange 丽 , the woods of the deep place, overhanging cliff, have many dissolve the hole.Dissolve the hole such as" hope hall an an an an an an an an an an an an a day"," all-powerful hole"," the fairy hole"," the rhinoceros hole"...etc., its stone clock stone milk all sorts of strange things, each exhausted its 态 , each show its 趣 , will make you can not help smiling, ponder not already.

In many beautiful sceneries, have most the legend color is one view of" the turtle of gold gives the bridge".In cross-straits most steep river valley in canyon, a megalith of very much resembling turtle gives to rise a bridge to cross the river valley.In the surging of the water current, this" huge turtle" shakes head to sway the brain in the wave of water, the hour rise 伏 , live vivid now.

The cause of name of" lover's valley":

At thousand year agos, lover there is respectively two seedling clan Tsuns 寨 in deep Shan-li of the valley cross-straits call the ground my 岭 and the rice soup wells.A my 岭 young man 阿 mountain, handsome diligenceThe rice soup well young girl 阿 water, affectionate beauty.The mountain of 阿 often goes to lover's valley to gather wood, the 阿 water often goes to lover's valley to put sheep to pasture.They usually separate the river to meet, time a long, say "hello" then and with each other, interchange civility, long living the feeling at that day.A day, the 阿 water can not control feelings, the 羞 is red the face sings the way toward the mountain of 阿 of the opposite shore:" The big river freshet water wave sand, the fish wags tail in the riverWhen get the fish to take with wine?When get the elder brother to become the house?" The mountain of 阿 is on hear, exultation in heart.Return to sing the way right away:" The elder brother separates the water to come to younger sister to separate the precipice, rounding the mountain to round the waters to all be wantThe elder brother changes the barn swallow to fly the river, the younger sister changes the bee to fly the precipice." They spread the feeling with the song, oath solemnly pledged.

For can lead the river and lovers together, the mountain of 阿 chops down the tree to take the bridge.But the river water is too fierce too nasty, take a time of the tree of the bridge to be wash away by the heartless river water.Mountain of 阿 just at anxious thousand times it, a huge turtle presents the wave of water in, give to rise the bridge wood for the mountain of 阿 , lead the river and waters to meet for him.Hence everyday, mountain of 阿 and the 阿 water passes the help of the turtle, every day all the ability is together, each other madly in love, inseparable.Their romance was known by the parents of the water, the parents of the 阿 water the suspicion 阿 mountain home is poor, resolute objection, and want the son of 憨 whom the 阿 water get married to the chief of brigands.Mountain of 阿 and the 阿 water pain and sufferingses are thousand times.For separating never, a double leaves the house to hide into deep place in lover's valley is some to dissolve in the hole, live there is no customs 羁 mix, very loving day.This story magic is moving, with the result that spread up to now.

Lover the love of the valley beauty spreads to spin a yarn, increasing to the landscape here landscape endless of magic power, it enjoy in retrospect the person faraway, the 遐 think 100001000



有好多地方都有情人谷:最有名的黄山情人谷即翡翠谷还有建德情人谷,在铜官峡景区,距新安江城区仅5公里的建德千岛湖境内四川也有个情人谷,位于洛须镇丹达村境内比较有名气的这么三个 建德情人谷情人谷(铜官峡)景区距新安江城区仅5公里的建德千岛湖境内,有“新安江畔第一幽谷”之称,是自然和人文完美结合的生态旅游区。它以一条山高谷深、蜿蜒曲折的峡谷为主,具有原始、粗犷、野趣的特色,30多米高的珍珠瀑,缀满厚厚的青苔,被誉为“华东第一翠瀑”;长达2000多米的岩溶溪流,跌宕起伏,泉瀑交替,形成了浙西最奇异的岩溶溪流景观。2000多年前,秦始皇在此设了专门掌管采铜铸钱的“铜官”,故情人谷也称铜官峡。双马峰之间一座气势恢弘的铜神殿,就是为了供奉铜神、纪念铜官、祈求财运而建。情人谷浓缩爱的精华,饱含爱的意蕴,洋溢爱的气息,感悟爱的真谛。情人岛、爱情广场、历代爱情诗廊、鸳鸯瀑、鸳鸯树及心心相印潭等景观都是有情人抒发真情、海誓山盟的去处,有情人还可在此“挂情锁、植喜树”,共沐“爱情河”。编辑本段黄山情人谷翡翠谷,昵称情人谷,是黄山风景区的主要景点,也是黄山东海最长的大峡谷,纵深15公里。谷中之溪名碧玉溪,昵称爱河,源出炼丹、始信、天女诸峰和石笋。谷口在山岔上张村205国道旁,距黄山大门仅6公里,交通很方便。 翡翠谷中有大大小小美如翡翠,丽若彩珠,流光溢彩,灵秀绝伦的潭池达一百多个,被人们赞为“人间瑶池仙境,天下第一丽水”。是“世界文化和自然遗产?d?d中国黄山”的主要观之一。 “未游过翡翠谷彩池者,不能称到过黄。黄山之雄奇,见于莲花、天都,黄山的美梦必从翡翠谷彩池中浮出。” 情人谷又名翡翠谷,1988年的一个秋日,来自上海的36位游客来到了尚未开发的翡翠谷,在此地迷路,被困山谷三天,三天里他们互相帮助,互相支持,克服种种困难,终于走出困境。同游甚美,相助情深,从初次相识变成了知心朋友并在静谧而美妙的峡谷中度过了人生难以忘怀的日子。 回到上海后,他们之中竟有20人10对结成了终身伴侣,于是情人谷的美名便传开了。情人谷谷口宽不过十数米,一条四季不涸的清泉自谷掌流出,在几公里的沟谷内花岗岩上“凿”出十数个令人心醉的连珠石潭和小瀑布,冬季则形成厚达两三米的冰川,直到四月仍可见到。情人谷内有桃花苑、杏花岫、红桦泽、云杉崖,满目青山绿树,异卉青苔,时见野鸡、松鼠等小生灵穿越其间,是返朴归真,回归自然的游乐胜境。“卧虎藏龙”里很多场景在那里拍摄。编辑本段四川情人谷位于洛须镇丹达村境内的情人谷风景优雅别致,夏秋相异,沟内溪水淙淙,奇石相布,异兽竞蹄,花草相依,置身沟内,犹如世外桃源

1.黄果树风景区黄果树瀑布群是贵州的一个代表性景点。 黄果树瀑布群是由18个瀑布组成的瀑布群。 其中,黄果树瀑布高77.8米,宽101米,是中国最大的瀑布。

2.铜仁范静是武陵山的主峰,海拔2572米,位于江口、松桃、印江三县交界处。 自明代以来,范静成为佛教圣地,形成了大雄宝殿、四座寺庙和四十八座大足寺庙。

3.荔波,荔波位于贵州南部。 这里的景观以喀斯特地貌为主,已被列入中国南方世界自然遗产。 主要景点有张江(大七孔桥风景名胜区,七个小拱门)、水春江、茂兰。

4.赤水风景名胜区是中国唯一以行政区域命名的国家级风景名胜区。 主要景观为丹霞景观,已被列入世界自然遗产、国家5A级景区、国家地质公园。

5.阿西里西,彝语,现指毕节市与六盘水市交界处的乌蒙山核心区。 现已成为国家级风景名胜区,主要包括大九蔡平、小九茨坪、阿斯力西草原和松林。 千年杜鹃林等景区的小久菜坪是贵州最高峰,海拔2900米。


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